Sunday, August 11, 2024

Book summary: Factfulness

Factfulness addresses ten cognitive biases that can affect and compromise our logical faculty. The book is the work of Hans Rosling, a physician/epidemiologist, and expectedly provides a data-driven POV. However, a knack for storytelling makes Hans Rosling's work more fluid and accessible. Herein I briefly summarize the crux of these ten "instincts":

1- Gap instinct:

A tendency to divide things, and ideas, into two distinct groups with sharp contrast: for example, a word divided into super-rich and extremely poor, stuck in poverty. This is false and data support an income distribution with the majority in the middle-range.

2- Negativity instinct:

A tendency to emphasize the negative aspect of each event, experience, etc. 

3- Single instinct:

A cognitive bias can be described as a simplified approach to a complex problem. When someone tries to analyze a multifaceted problem by studying a single parameter. 

4- Fear instinct:

Paying more attention to frightening things. This dominance overrides rational decision-making. The antidote is rational analysis and problem-solving to understand risks and opportunities. 

5- Size instinct:

A cognitive bias that associates the importance or significance of a phenomenon with its size.

6- Generalization instinct:

The inclination for dividing the subjects into two categories. The underlying cause is our preference for simplicity and efficiency in analyzing complex matters. 

7- Destiny instinct:

A cognitive bias that leads the individual to believe the outcomes are predetermined and decided by fate and are totally out of one's control. This can predictably be a huge obstacle to becoming responsible and proactive in tackling life matters.

8- Single-perspective instinct:

The tendency to observe and appreciate a problem from a single viewpoint. This approach may limit our ability to see the big picture and deprive us of reaching out and using others' expertise. 

9- Blame instinct:

The Blame Instinct is a cognitive bias that leads us to assign blame or responsibility for a situation or problem to a single individual or group. This instinct can be seen in various aspects of our lives, from our personal relationships to our professional and political spheres. 

10- Urgency instinct:

This cognitive bias forces us to act immediately in response to a challenge, even when unnecessary. This cognitive blind spot has deep roots in our evolutionary history. Our ancestors acquired a predilection to react swiftly on the face of potential threats. This bias does not translate to a well-rounded logical method in problem-solving in the human race now.

Pedram July 2024

Image from

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

مردار شد


  • هر که را باشد طمع الکن شود
  • با طمع کی چشم و دل روشن شود

  • پیش چشم او خیال جاه و زر
  • همچنان باشد که موی اندر بصر

  • جز مگر مستی که حق پر بود
  • گر چه بدهی گنج ها او حر بود

  • هر که از دیدار برخوردار شد 
  • این جهان در چشم او مردار شد

  • لیک آن صوفی زمستی دور بود
  • لاجرم در حرص او شب کور بود

  • صد حکایت بشنود مدهوش حرص
  • درنیاید نکته در گوش حرص 

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Monarchy of Fear

   Fear was the driving force behind Donald Trump's rise to power. This is a take on the 2016 elections that shook many pundits, commentators, philosophers, and casual observers. A body of publications attempted to analyze this choice and focused on specific demographic and social classes supporting Trump in stronghold states for Republicans. However, Nussbaum applies another approach that cuts deeper into the matter by investigating the cause and effect behind this election. This is a philosophical approach to the pertinent subject with heavy connections with social psychology. The toxic brew of misogyny, envy, and fearful anger threatens democracy and its related values. 

   The major hurdle in this philosopher's job is to recognize the unruly emotions and bring them into the fold. The book studies the interconnected emotions of anger, envy, hatred, disgust, sexism, and misogyny and their ramifications on current social affairs in the US. The book describes globalization as one factor bringing about a sense of helplessness and marginalization to a group of citizens. This negative feeling of abandonment eventually transforms into resentment and blame. 

   One aspect of this book is the idea of us "human beings" as a species being vulnerable in our existential terrain, which causes fear as an inherent emotion. If left unattended, this primal feeling can develop into a corrosive agent with monarchial traits controlling various domains of our behavior. Society tends to scapegoat those who are unpopular. In her own words "monarchs feed on fear" "Fearful people run for protection and care, they turn to strong absolute rulers, ... in democracy by contrast we must look one another in the eye, as equals". This horizontal trust is the firm foundation of democracy.

   Amidst disturbing news and divisive rhetoric readily heard and widespread rapidly, reading "Monarchy of Fear" provides a soothing perspective, a timely respite in an onslaught of tribalism and hateful polarization. The ideas of building secluded empires, and hostile policies toward outsiders are alarmingly gaining traction. These may be symptoms of a world marching to a different beat than what Nussbaum describes as our healthy social construct. A lot of the "us versus them" mentality has been propagated by those claiming to be progressive and abiding by human rights. A large portion of stigma is generated by apathy and lack of feeling of any association. 

   Aligned with the unwavering idealism in the book, the proposed solutions look unfashionable and far-fetched: an obligatory three-year service for the American youth and integration of the public school system.  

   Now, at the cusp of a new Cold War era, this anthology on fear is relevant more than ever. The omnipresent vibe of hope and optimism is felt throughout the book with the author vigilantly addressing the issue but not consigning to the doom-and-gloom siege mentality ruled by fear. Quite the opposite, she manages to stay balanced and fair-minded.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Grotto

The Grotto, The National Sanctuary of our Sorrowful Mother

Friday, May 31, 2024

Multnomah falls


Multnomah falls
