Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Atra Mors On Its Way

Profound Lore Records finally confirmed: Evoken Breaks its 5 year silence with their new album "Atra Mors"(terrible death or dark death). There's no secret: i'm huge fan of Lyndhurst-based pioneers of funeral doom. Like many fans anticipating another spectacular album, i'm psyching about the content and style of Evoken in their latest work. Hopefully they won't back up and follow their solid trend. Evoken has been a permanent part of my life, i can remember each day of my internship listening to "Antithesis of Light" late at nights...

Seen as one of America’s forefathers of the death/funeral/doom metal movement and having forged in the early nineties where the New Jersey outfit, by incorporating such influences as old-school Paradise Lost, Disembowelment, Thergothon etc. would carve their own legacy in the annals of the doom metal movement as one of its pinnacle and essential bands.  With a career spanning almost 20 years and four unparalleled full-length albums, all essential and classic in their own right, that define EVOKEN’s repertoire, “Atra Mors” (the Latin translation for “Black Death”) signals a new chapter and turning point in the EVOKEN legacy.

Recorded and committed to tape over a six-month period at Sound Spa studios in Edison, New Jersey, “Atra Mors” sees EVOKEN comprise their most ambitious album to date.  While still upholding the utterly colossal, apocalyptic, and extraordinary heaviness the band have become synonymous for, “Atra Mors” sees EVOKEN embrace new ground by experimenting a bit more with the use of ambience and atmosphere, deploying a stronger sense of melody (and moments of tranquility) during some of the album’s discourse along with delivering moments that harken back to the ancient days of pure old-school death metal.

@Profound Lore Records

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