It's true, I'm busy these days, wasting my time and energy somewhere devoid of any delicate artful merit, but that doesn't mean i don't follow my dear friends, and pursue some precious obsessions. Holistic doctrine dictates some extra features to your life which apparently doesn't help your everyday life affair but serve the ultimate picture which i still faithfully cherish. So, I'm not the ignorant preppy who looks after himself and himself only. No, no, no... that's not and won't be my area of interest. I care and I care vividly about issues that are not directly related to my interest. In the marrow of my spirit i feel the pain of the suppressed, the ones that the system has failed. I am the one who never celebrated a feast naturally in a delightful mood. The reason always remained masked interwoven into its mystic intangible fabrics.
So here remain the old repeated questions: "What's the use of all this?", "What's the point in the long frustrating path some choose?"... These are the first questions one must elicit. Otherwise death slowly encircles hope down into the well of despair.
Pedram, April 2013
so,if we're going to be ruined why should we torture ourselves now?