Monday, September 6, 2010

The History Of Panda Bears

Playwright,poet and journalist from Romania.And is now settled in Paris as journalist at Radio Frace Internationale.His recent writings mainly in  french language made him a well-known writer.
He studied History and Philosophy in the university of Bucharest before starting to write for the theatre in 1977.
Between 1977 - 1987 he wrote some 20 plays which all of them were banned by romanian censors.
I become familiar with Visniec by recommendation of a friend.The small book entitled " L'histoire des ours panda racontee par un saxophoniste qui a une petite amie a francfort " : "The history of panda bears told by a saxophonist who has a girlfriend in Frankfurt ".
The book is a comedy,as the site "demendez le programme" described " a dream nurtured by a sensitivity all on  edge. A trip funny ,magical and shifted to the heart of the intimate,away from the heaviness of the material world and the constraints of reality."
I found the persian translation impressive ,as the text is rather complicated with plenty of language technics.This book is translated to farsi by Tinoush Nazmjou.


  1. man hodoodan do sale pish ghesmathai az in ketabo khundmao harcheghadr ham donbalehs migardam giresh nemiaram!
    vali bakhshai ke azash khoondam fogholadas... fogholade ...

  2. salam;
    are be nazare man ham kheili jalebe,omidvaram betuni kamel bekhoonish/
